Advanced Role-Play Systems 

  • Dear Lawless

  • Two men enter, one man leaves...
Two men enter, one man leaves...
 #4745  by Deputy AR
First off,
Let me say it's good to have a bandit colony here that has good players in it. You guys are good shots, fairly organized, and have an asshole personality (Last part is important to get people to loathe you!). But let me get this out in the open. What you all did last night was just corny. To look at a player list and see that no Deputies are on and say, "Okay let's go to their base and dump all of their shit on the ground" is not something I expected from you all. I expected you all to respect the RP factor and be an actual enemy to the Marshals. Now I know what you are going to say: "Secure your base better and this won't happen." "Keep a guard posted and this won't happen." "If this was a REAL apocalypse you would get robbed every night. Deal with it." Those are all true. But this is not a real apocalypse and we all have jobs to wake up to in the morning. It's not humanly possible nor right to ask someone to stay up all damn night just to make sure cowards don't come drop all of our sewing kits on the ground. Here's a tip to become a respected bandit colony, not just one who everyone sees as cowards and afraid to go head up with the Marshals.
If it were me, I would drop a protector case in the middle of camp with a ruined black cowboy hat and a note saying "Your tyranny has ended. If you are not gone by 7pm est tomorrow night, you will be removed by force. " Not only would this promote colony interaction, but it would be one hell of a gunfight. Now you can play how you want, im not the RP police, but what this post is saying is stop slithering around in the dark with noone around and prove you and your "outlaws" can do more than just be the kings of a sleeping Chernarus.
-First Deputy AR
 #4749  by Fuggaak
Well, for one there were 4 or 5 guys at that camp last night. 2 of ours were killed while infiltrating, so I moved in to check it out alone. Killed 3 without being hit, and whoever the last guy was in the boonie hat, we simultaneously killed each other. I ended up coming back after respawing and there were still some tents with junk all around. I took a shirt, pants and some food. My other guys had vacated and I was the last one to leave your base that night. We did not "dump all your shit" and at least 2 deputies were on the whole time this went down. AR you yourself were not on (unless under an alias?) so maybe start fact checking before you post about events that you only have one side of the story for :)

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 #4750  by ][_,aw][_,ess
While i understand completely how you may feel , there was no damn player list check buds. u may have noticed the first 2 guys you killed myself and one other had empty guns. mine was empty after i dumped my half mag into the side of a tent at someone and it ate it like a damn tank . we wanted to see what you had cookin over there scoop some needed gear and leave a note. which u roasted me in the process of doing i might add lol..We thought you weren't home. After that all 4 of you were killed by our one remaining player on scene. so if you think the numbers were stacked against you. Then i really dont know what to say. we didn't attack with full force.reinforcements got to the scene 15 min after we died.. your welcome to see a video of 1 guy shooting you all. everyone was instructed to not despawn your gear. and you may have noticed a fresh ammo can with 2 brand new hats on your door step this morning. i dropped those off last night.

" Here's a tip to become a respected bandit colony, not just one who everyone sees as cowards and afraid to go head up with the Marshals."

Everyone sees us as cowards? you guys love to throw that around lol. I will go up against you all alone any time. and I HAVE. you could have 20 players i enjoy the challenge.
Cue the violins
 #4759  by Merc2thaMax
awww couldn't find one without the watermark? seems like a rushed job but hey appreciate the sentiment
 #4978  by Kactus
01e50cb847defd11dc7eb2a2863bbc1f.jpg (53.18 KiB) Viewed 10142 times
I got a pic of Lawless the other day