Advanced Role-Play Systems 


  • US-3 related chat here
US-3 related chat here
 #7057  by Weyland

To help us monitor bases and police theft as quickly as possible, we would like you to participate in our Base Registry. If we're streaming logs and find someone breaking in live, we can take immediate action. if we miss the incident, this registry will help us move as quickly and effeciently.

If you do NOT fill out this form, we can not guarantee nor provide protection.

All base locations are private record.

Please be advised that you must be whitelisted to use this registry and qualify for Protective Services.

Please fill out our Base Registry Form here:

There are requirements for base classification which can be found below.
  • If your base is outside, you must have enclosed walls with a locked gate.
  • If you have taken over a house or etc, you must have either a locked gate or door.