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Freckles, Red and 3rd guy. You KOS'ers.

PostPosted:Sun Feb 01, 2015 11:48 pm
by ingrownfoot
Thanks for murdering me in Novy minutes ago. I was driving the truck, i saw you. I even heard your voice when i stopped. I typed into direct chat (so you could see my name), "IM FRIENDLY"

Then shots fired while i was in animation getting out of truck , "TAKE THE TRUCK"

Then more shots and I was dead.

I ran with two of your yesterday, from cherno to polana. This is what I get? Kos'd? Thanks. Then i hear the entire conversation and youre talking about that i had good loot and you wanted it? So is this what happened when someone posts stuff to trade, you KOS them because you want their loot?

I was one guy with a repeater and there were three of you. No instead of playing in a way that could be enjoyable, you KOS me and brag about it the loot you wanted from me?

Re: Freckles, Red and 3rd guy. You KOS'ers.

PostPosted:Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:19 am
by Kactus
with the way loot is distributed people are becoming monsters.
not as much KOS as they are "scared children with far too much gear" who shoot to protect their booty

Re: Freckles, Red and 3rd guy. You KOS'ers.

PostPosted:Tue Feb 03, 2015 1:12 pm
by lank3033
People who play this way are too stupid to go to vybor or another loot puke and get all their loot for free. Yesterday 12 of us went from polena to vybor and everyone got tons of stuff without any shots fired.

Re: Freckles, Red and 3rd guy. You KOS'ers.

PostPosted:Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:50 pm
by PrestigePotato
Tom posting the same thing in multiple forums doesn't make people care more. I was there. I killed the one with the AK. You are smearing freckles good name just because you're butthurt that you got kos'd in DayZ. She is new to the server and is a very nice girl and it's not very welcoming to immediately bash her based on what you thought you heard.. The situation was explained on the post in the CPD page.