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Robbing vs Despawning

PostPosted:Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:53 am
by Ian_mcdoogan
I made the mistake of posting this on the Facebook group as I did not foresee any debate. But now I will word it in such a way as to start the debate.

On US-2 (due to its RP characteristic) when is it feasible for despawning a camp/base? In other words, robbing it is taking only what you need/want. Despawning is emptying everything on the ground and packing up the tent so everything disappears at server restart.

My question is not whether despawning is a dick move. It is. Rather, what is the viable roleplay justification for it?

Re: Robbing vs Despawning

PostPosted:Thu Apr 07, 2016 12:02 pm
by Caledric
Personally to me despawning is just a straight up dick move. It serves no other purpose but to cause people to get pissed off and quit the server. It's completely destructive to the efforts of growing the server population. I can think of no other reason to despawn a persons base other than to make them so upset over the loss of months of work that they quit the server.

Re: Robbing vs Despawning

PostPosted:Fri Apr 08, 2016 6:52 am
by ChroniclyInsane
Totally agree caledric. Don't let the immature players get you down. I don't get it either why despawn ing makes them ever so happy. As a colony we want this server to thrive.

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Re: Robbing vs Despawning

PostPosted:Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:23 pm
by salraff1425
There is no need for despawning, it ruins the game, if you're robbing that's one thing, but to despawn an entire camp? I just think it's a waste of time

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Re: Robbing vs Despawning

PostPosted:Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:38 pm
by Llenne
Before doing things like that, I guess that you have to ask yourself: how does this contribute to roleplay? Why is my character doing this? How could this be interpreted?

IMO, despawning can serve as just poor representation for something that the game doesn't allow us to do very reliably, such as setting someone's camp on fire (which is pretty low, minimal effort) or slashing tents. A note in someone's emptied tent describing the area (everything is scorched or smashed, for example).

If there's no valid roleplay reason to do something, then you just shouldn't do it. If your character is driven by a very guerilla tactic oriented agenda of some sort, then it could make sense to ruin people's shit by slashing their tents or setting everything on fire. Alternatively, leave a lit torch in someone's tent. Sabotage is a very strong tactic.

Re: Robbing vs Despawning

PostPosted:Wed May 25, 2016 12:07 am
by Deputy Max Brand
I see what you're saying but i still think its a dick move. Plus actually being able to set fire to a camp if it was possible is also a dick move.

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Re: Robbing vs Despawning

PostPosted:Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:10 am
by PhishyBongwaters
While I agree that it is a dick move.... Lets play devil's advocate. You are a fresh spawn, you join, you find every damn town and base already looted. By whom you ask? by the other colonists, those setup before you, with bases and stashes. To what end? Good question, there's trading but there are trading groups. To survive? Sure, you simply can't survive without taking ALL OF THE LOOT.

See, for me, it's also a dick move to build a base with tents near a military area, then farm it hoarding all of the loot. For what purpose? Some end of days apocalypse? That's already happened. Why do you need to take all the loot from the entire server, dump it into tents to be never used?

You don't, you do it to gear up, then you continue doing it to deprive everyone else of said loot. It's the EXACT same reason people go north for military gear then camp the NWAF shooting anyone who gets close. not because it takes skill. Not because it's fun. They do it to ensure no one else gets the gear they already have.

I wouldn't despawn a base myself, but I'm not going to say it's right or wrong, it's a dick move, just like hoarding all the loot.

Re: Robbing vs Despawning

PostPosted:Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:41 am
by Ian_mcdoogan
I sincerely hope you aren't applying your exaggerated claims to Pinkerton Trading Company.

Re: Robbing vs Despawning

PostPosted:Tue Jul 05, 2016 11:41 am
by Deputy Max Brand
I was thinking that myself actually

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Re: Robbing vs Despawning

PostPosted:Tue Jul 05, 2016 7:13 pm
by Polar
There are a few motives to rob all of the loot. if you are in a war of colonies would you not want to win the war? or cause so much damage a truce is called? What if you are a trading company and are losing the war on bandits. you kill 3 out of the 4 every time, but you end up losing 6-7 because they always seem to have the better gear. Then upon your travels you stumble upon their camp filled with military loot, would you not seek revenge? would you not want to ease the bloodshed of your brothers and sisters.

best way to prevent being robbed or despawned is to only keep what you need, and to hide it in small containers. puting tents near debug is too easy to find, and VERY inviting to be pilfered.