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Support DayZ Colony
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5 Topics 
19 Posts
OKEX Exchange - The best exch…
 by jeffmarcus3
Welcome Center
Introduce youself and learn about what we do here
1712 Topics 
2063 Posts
I am the new noob I now regis…
 by ValeriaG
Announcements & Information
Colony announcements and information
46 Topics 
94 Posts
Dayz Sever rules [ZA] Solo on…
 by Ziggy
General Discussion
Discussion for all things DayZ
157 Topics 
559 Posts
Find Beautiful Womans from yo…
 by EmbracerOfDeath
Guides for the beginner, intermediate, as well as advanced level player
23 Topics 
47 Posts
Re: [GUIDE] How to Find a Day…
 by Weyland
Help Desk
Ban appeals and general help
171 Topics 
650 Posts
Information, notes, and hur…
 by shanelroy
Status Reports & Changelogs
DayZ Colony Community Spotlight can be found in our Status Reports
107 Topics 
125 Posts
 by jonnywellium
Off-Topic Chat
Movies, job hunting, games, personals, you name it
15 Topics 
49 Posts
Prettys Womans in your city -…
 by theyhatin89