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Re: killings in chapeask by JackeL

 by JackeL ¦  Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:38 pm ¦  Forum: Thunderdome ¦  Topic: killings in chapeask by JackeL ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 21840

lol so you say.. u cant tell the difference.. i was a long ways out.. i saw a guy with an axe. a player with a gun.. they were shooting and axing.. i moved to get a closer look.. action was over.. 3 bodies on the ground.. 2 zombies and what looked like a player.. its possible it could have been a zo...

Re: killings in chapeask by JackeL

 by JackeL ¦  Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:14 pm ¦  Forum: Thunderdome ¦  Topic: killings in chapeask by JackeL ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 21840

then after i shot u (whoever ran into the prison with sawn off in hands.. i gave u guys a chance to stop.. i said stop u are already shot u need to bandage...

get shot at by ur partner.................

Re: killings in chapeask by JackeL

 by JackeL ¦  Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:12 pm ¦  Forum: Thunderdome ¦  Topic: killings in chapeask by JackeL ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 21840

clearly i did take a screenshot.. i was too worried about taking a shot/stayin hidden when i was watching u guys to take a screenshot...

Re: killings in chapeask by JackeL

 by JackeL ¦  Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:11 pm ¦  Forum: Thunderdome ¦  Topic: killings in chapeask by JackeL ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 21840

u just gonna completely avoid my question?

what did i see in the EXACT location i described to you????

killings in chapeask by JackeL

 by JackeL ¦  Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:55 pm ¦  Forum: Thunderdome ¦  Topic: killings in chapeask by JackeL ¦  Replies: 6 ¦  Views: 21840

so what happened then... i saw u guys axe/shoot a player just outside of the single story brick buidling on western industrial elektro... maybe 5 min b4 i took the screenshot... enlighten me? i love the irony tho.. "this is turning into some high school drama" proceeds to insult me.. children use in...

Bandits who CARE

 by JackeL ¦  Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:16 am ¦  Forum: Gallery ¦  Topic: Bandits who CARE ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 7251

made this video quite awhile ago and i dont think i shared it. this is the kinda play i would hope all bandits strive for. this entire video session was maybe a lil over an hour. and i think we both enjoyed it greatly. the video is a little long but has some good roleplay aspects and some exciting p...


 by JackeL ¦  Thu Feb 05, 2015 8:41 pm ¦  Forum: Journal Log ¦  Topic: SHOUT OUT TO ALL WHO WERE PART OF THE PRISON BATTLE! ¦  Replies: 4 ¦  Views: 13979

Haha man I was thinking bout stayin in playin prisoner haha. Wish I would s now..

Was a good shot on my first char. I'm assuming sniperme from military prison?


 by JackeL ¦  Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:27 pm ¦  Forum: Journal Log ¦  Topic: SHOUT OUT TO ALL WHO WERE PART OF THE PRISON BATTLE! ¦  Replies: 4 ¦  Views: 13979

that was awesome! we had some great player to player interactions inside the prison.. made some friends.. met some old enemies haha.. then we got sniped at from the mainland.. still cant believe that.. amazing shot!! we retreated back into the prison had one man on the inside somewhere that was unac...

Polana group locked indie veresnik prison

 by JackeL ¦  Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:45 pm ¦  Forum: Journal Log ¦  Topic: Polana group locked indie veresnik prison ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 6883

we tried making contact with you guys, figured u were friendly with the lights on inside.. no answer so after the reset we tried to shoot at you guys... then we got attacked by a group of two haha.. so we took off and later watched the group of two try to flank and we moved in... this was a bit away...

Re: Potato's still up to the same old business

 by JackeL ¦  Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:37 am ¦  Forum: Thunderdome ¦  Topic: Potato's still up to the same old business ¦  Replies: 12 ¦  Views: 19351

I was killed for " forum posts". Not even role play. u guys r bandits. But be proud of it! Our interaction was awesome I will always welcome banditry that has some class!!!

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