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How I do.

 by Jenny P ¦  Wed Mar 16, 2016 2:17 pm ¦  Forum: Thunderdome ¦  Topic: How I do. ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 13257

True Medics help everyone, be it bandit, hero, Merc, trader, lone Wolf or lawman. No one should ever be refused medical treatment because of their affiliation and no independant medic should pick a side.

If you have an issue with this please air your grievances here.

Re: So apparently some people have some issues with Pinkerton. Feel free to air them here.

 by Jenny P ¦  Wed Mar 16, 2016 5:04 am ¦  Forum: Thunderdome ¦  Topic: Pinkerton vs Gentlemen Bastards ¦  Replies: 28 ¦  Views: 255477

The only thing that they have proven is that they have used glitches to get inside the buildings. The bastard who stole our bus recently was asked to come to the trading post and show weyland and mcdoogan how he got in without glitching. The garage was locked up the exact same way it always is. And ...

Re: Pinkerton vs Gentlemen Bastards

 by Jenny P ¦  Tue Mar 15, 2016 2:10 pm ¦  Forum: Thunderdome ¦  Topic: Pinkerton vs Gentlemen Bastards ¦  Replies: 28 ¦  Views: 255477

They have already explained themselves to Weyland and even given him a demo of how. Is that seriously not enough for you? This is going way too far and being blown way out of proportion than it actually needs to be. Ever thought maybe someone else got in before them? Or someone had not secured it co...

Re: So apparently some people have some issues with Pinkerton. Feel free to air them here.

 by Jenny P ¦  Tue Mar 15, 2016 12:03 pm ¦  Forum: Thunderdome ¦  Topic: Pinkerton vs Gentlemen Bastards ¦  Replies: 28 ¦  Views: 255477

False accusations and trying to get people banned just because your stuff is getting stolen is something I have an issue with. When they have proven earlier that were not glitching AT ALL! This all just needs to stop and you need to stop getting so pissed that you are getting stolen from it happens ...

First responder and EMT test's.

 by Jenny P ¦  Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:15 am ¦  Forum: General Discussion ¦  Topic: First responder and EMT test's. ¦  Replies: 0 ¦  Views: 9832

If you wish to take the first responder test and gain your tags in TS please fill this out. ... c/viewform

The EMT training day will be later this week. Official event to be posted soon.

<3 Be safe out there.

Re: People in green zone.

 by Jenny P ¦  Mon Jan 04, 2016 10:15 pm ¦  Forum: Thunderdome ¦  Topic: People in green zone.  ¦  Replies: 2 ¦  Views: 16380

There is video evidence that proves that most of what you've said they said isn't true but either way there behavior was unacceptable. Just know that the perpetrators have been dealt with, and had I of not been sleeping at the time, none of that would of happened. I am sorry that it did and endeavor...

Re: Jenny's story.

 by Jenny P ¦  Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:12 am ¦  Forum: Journal Log ¦  Topic: Jenny's story. ¦  Replies: 21 ¦  Views: 47981

Well it must be Jake cos I do not know a Josh. aha

Re: Jenny's story.

 by Jenny P ¦  Sun Oct 25, 2015 11:12 am ¦  Forum: Journal Log ¦  Topic: Jenny's story. ¦  Replies: 21 ¦  Views: 47981

I needed to talk to Wilkes, maybe he could help me make sense of all this. I had no idea where to find him now, I hadn’t seen him for days. Though that may be a good thing, our last meeting was rather intense. I had ended up in severograd again, just running with people searching for more items that...

Re: Jenny's story.

 by Jenny P ¦  Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:52 am ¦  Forum: Journal Log ¦  Topic: Jenny's story. ¦  Replies: 21 ¦  Views: 47981

CHAPTER 5 After my run in with Wilkes we had continued our onward journey had a nice fire, chatted about nothing in particular and then both fallen asleep. When I woke up he wasn’t around, so I decided to continue my journey back to Svetlo. I had heard a rumor that there was something there I must s...

Re: As Deadly As Nightshade

 by Jenny P ¦  Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:31 pm ¦  Forum: Journal Log ¦  Topic: As Deadly As Nightshade ¦  Replies: 5 ¦  Views: 14175


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