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[USA] Hello to all

PostPosted:Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:54 am
by FAQ2chief
Hello I would like to introduce myself my user name here is my user name everywhere so if you try to find me it should be pretty easy. I am an adult gamer who enjoys many different types of games, currently DayZ is my game addiction of choice. I am 33 years old and tend to play the game more towards the hero side of gameplay, I enjoy running into people and helping them in any way I can, that being said I am not afraid to kill them if need be. I like to think of myself as quite the elite pack rat in terms of loot gathering, in my short time playing this game I have logistically figured out how to carry around 90 slots worth of gear on my character, so most of the time if you are looking for something I probably have it, anyway I look forward to seeing many of you in game

Re: Hello to all

PostPosted:Tue Jul 22, 2014 12:58 pm
by piggypotpie
Pack rat? Hoarder is the clinical term i believe