Advanced Role-Play Systems 

  • [USA] Hello!

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Introduce youself and learn about what we do here
 #6046  by MysticalPotato
Hello , everyone!

Name: Suzanne (MysticalPotato)
Age: 33
Country: US
Time Zone: EST
Play Style: Jack of all trades, Friendly, (wanna be) Hero, Helper of the Noobs, Medic, Survivor (?)
Steam ID:

I have been playing DayZ from early on and I play on and off. Always looking for people to play with and help. If you find me in the game and you need something just ask and if I have it and can spare it, I will give it over.

As of now, I do not have a mic but will be getting one soon. Thanks for your time in reading this. Have an awesome day and stay safe!