Advanced Role-Play Systems 

  • Greeting fro Boston Mass

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Introduce youself and learn about what we do here
 #6043  by Lead_Salad
Name Rob (Lead_Salad)
Age 49
Country USA
Time Zone EST
Play Style Loner/Hero
Steam ID Lead_Salad

HELLO! New player to The Colony (Applied for Whitelist just now) and have been enjoying US 3. I play mostly "loner" style but would love to try to see if I can fit in with a Colony . I prefer to remain peaceful but has Zero issues defending myself or others that I'm grouped with.
 #6044  by headlights
Hi buddy, jump on teamspeak to find a group, the "wolves" a survival group are currently recruiting, check the whitelist facebook page, also talk to "kilo" on teamspeak, he is one of the "minutemen", seemed like a cool dude. good luck and see you in the wilderness.
 #6045  by Lead_Salad
Headlight thanks for the heads up. I still need to be whitelisted before I can jump on the Teamspeak server. Any idea where I could find one of the Wolves or Minuteman in game ?
 #6047  by headlights
You probably would be better to wait until your whitelisted, and talk to one on teamspeak, ask anyone you meet in game but, everyone's a little jumpy right now, bandits are attacking bases and players. good luck.