Advanced Role-Play Systems 

  • [AUS] G'day everyone!

  • Introduce youself and learn about what we do here
Introduce youself and learn about what we do here
 #6053  by AlbertLazarus
Hello Colonist,
I'm Dylan Lee. But don't expect a thick Australian accent just because of the label, because I just migrated and sworn in as a citizen of this beautiful nation within five years :) Born as Malaysian Chinese and sooooo, if you're keen to speak Malay/indonesian, Mandarin and English. Im your guest! Also, learning French atm, if there's any Français or Canadien, please drill my grammar hard!

Hope to learn and thrive in DayZ SA with y'all!

Much love and gratitude,
Dylan (Ingame: Albert Lazarus) (Ps- sometimes I have the space off, sooo still me!)