Advanced Role-Play Systems 

  • [CANADA} Hey guys!

  • Introduce youself and learn about what we do here
Introduce youself and learn about what we do here
 #5993  by IAmDC2
Hey everyone, long time player of standalone here. I've got over 1200 hours logged but most of that is from a while back. I used to play ALOT and knew everything about the game up until they introduced the vehicles. Life happened and I didnt have much time anymore to play. As I started getting back into it recently since its actually playable and not as many random deaths/desync etc.. occur I came across one of the colony servers. Upon some research I quickly learned this is exactly the type of community I needed to keep me interested in the game! I am 99% of the time a friendly survivor and always give the benefit of the doubt that other survivors are also friendly which is rarely the case (which I think is why i lost interest months ago). I'm looking forward to meeting you guys in game and exploring, looting and whatever we can get into! Thanks for the great community and servers!

Name: Drew
Age: 24
Country: Canada
Time Zone: Eastern standard time
Play Style: Survivor/explorer/looter/etc
Steam ID: