Advanced Role-Play Systems 

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 #5945  by skidfrog
Hi All

I have about 75 hrs in now I fear about finding food and water anymore....zombie fear diminishing.......but now I'm looking for fun.

Not the kind of fun where a player baits me to a very specific empty building location and I die from a sudden headshot from behind . That's not fun.

I would like to find out what OTHER kind of fun can be fixing and driving cars.....building bases....helping other players. Heck if I find can openers I like to carry an extra to give away ( I haven't had a chance because I keep getting shot on sight. )
I read that there are about 300 zombies on the map at any one time but the developers want to bump it to 2-3000. That's a challenging ratio for folks like me.

I'm an older mature player . Love to connect and help the "good guys"