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As Deadly As Nightshade

PostPosted:Mon Oct 12, 2015 2:42 pm
by Nightshade001
I awoke to the sound of rain. It was loud and really coming down.
Why am I out in the rain? Actually where am I?
I look around and all I can see is the coast.
I decide to run around to find something. Anything. I'm cold and barely dressed..... What the hell happened to me? All I can remember is a boat? At least I think it was a boat but my mind is too hazy that I cannot tell.
After running for a bit and searching around I found this log cabin, Nothing in it really except a can of Tactical bacon that I can't even open. Im so cold. I keep walking to try and keep warm. Im worried that if I stop I wont get going again and right now I am not ready to die.
I have finally come across some castle ruins behind the log cabin. Im so hungry and I haven't had a drink in hours.
''Hello?''. . . Wait. Just who is that?
''Can you see me'' There it is again.
I lazily look around. Oh yeh right there, ahead of me, it's a man. But who is he?
''Come sit by the fire and warm up. I also have some food you can eat''
Not being one to turn away from help I slowly made my way over to him.
As I sat down he started talking again and laying food out in front of him
''I don't know what you like but I do have a bit of everything . . . I have spaghetti, bacon, tinned peaches. go on and eat.'' Not wanting to be rude to this man I did as he said and started eating, but there was this voice in my head saying ''You don't want to trust him. Hes armed, and a lot bigger than you. Be careful I wont tell you again.''

Re: As Deadly As Nightshade

PostPosted:Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:12 pm
by Nightshade001
Something told me I could trust what my mind was saying. It was true this man was armed and larger than me, he very well could just be acting to make me drop my guard. I know it seams strange hearing a voice in your head but I think its a coping mechanism I have developed from being alone. Someone else to talk to so to say.
I noticed the man watching me and realised I had been zoning out for a good couple of minutes.
''Sorry... What did you say?''
he sighs
"I asked if your were warm enough and fed enough I could run with you to the mainland, because we are currently on Skalisty Island. There isn't much here and you would have better look surviving on the mainland. You would die in hours if you remained here like that''
It was then I clocked that I was half naked against this fully clothed male. I decided instantly in that point out of pure embarrassment. Well that was enough for him and that was it we were off.
" Your a fool. He's going to kill you''
That voice again. She sounded more angry now though. But her words were enough and a cold chill spreads down my spine.
Oh shit. I might have just made the biggest mistake and its going to cost me my life.

Re: As Deadly As Nightshade

PostPosted:Mon Oct 12, 2015 4:28 pm
by Nightshade001
I had obviously been quiet for too long and the man had noticed.
'' you good?''
''yeh sorry''
we continued running towards the coast. To stop him getting suspicious about me I decided to ask him a few questions.
''So what are you called?''
''Im cub, and I'm a hero'' he replied seeming proud of being a 'hero'
''Oh? What does a hero do exacty?''
''Well it means we help other people in need, such as yourself ''
I didn't know how to respond. As we were running he had to constantly stop then start then stop just to wait for me to catch up. I must be getting sick. I have been in the cold for a while.
''When we catch up to my friend on the mainland we can gear you up and set you off on the right tracks. If you want I could even run you around the basic towns near by. you know so you can learn where things are and stuff ''
oh shit!
A friend? Im so screwed right now. as soon as we get there Im going to be out numbered. What should I do?
I was panicing
''I told you so... But you didn't listen. Idiot''
That voice again but this time she sounded off. angry but off. that was when I realised she was also scared. Just like me. scared of dying. Scared of being alone.

By now were has stopped walking by the waters edge.
''we are going to swim from here to the mainland just there in between those rock. Just keep swimming straight''
Oh crap I spent so much time panicking I have no time left to think.
'' Swim. I wont let us die''
That voice is becoming a real comfort to me. I trust her more than I trust this 'Cub' at the minute.
As I was swimming in between the large rocks Cub pointed out back on the shore line I could hear Cub shouting to me. He's already at the shore of the mainland and I'm not even half way. God damn
'' Shut up. You can hear them talking. that Cub, and his 'friend'" Oh crap she sounded scary but Im hoping we could live through this.
My panic started setting in again when I could see the shore and this new man. The one Cub had failed to mention the name of.
Im just pulling myself up the shore to run to them when once again someone comments on my speed.
''Man you really are slow.''
''Leave me alone.'' Can he not see I am sick?
''Watch what you say! you cannot piss these guys off!'' The voice snapped at me the moment the words were out of my lips. Crap. I really need to lean how to keep hold of my temper.
''No offence ment. Its just been a while since I saw someone as slow as you. I'm Tyler.''
''Hi I'm . . . ''
Crap I don't know my name. What? I can't remember my name!
''Just say Nightshade'' I don't know what to do. trust him and say I don't know . . . or listen to this voice that not only scares me but seams to want me to live almost as much as I do.
''Nightshade, My name is Nightshade''
I sigh as soon as I finish. Suddenly images of taking their weapons and killing them in various ways started playing through my head.
''Oh yeh, you gotta be tired and cold. Here, come sit by the fire. I have some food and drink for you as well as some equipment and an axe.''
The minute he said the word axe the image of killing them with it played over and over in my head. What the hell is going on with me. I know I'm scared but for my subconscious to be make these images is . . . is . . . barbaric.
''Do it. Get their stuff and run.'' no I wont do it. this voice is getting scary and very very angry. I feel like I am fighting with myself. I cant do this. But then again I'm sure I could kill them easily enough with the axe they have for me.
''Do it. It will be the biggest mistake they ever make. giving you a weapon'' before I could even protest this suggestion the image flashes again at just how easy it would be.
''Kill them before they kill you''
I don't know what do?
Before I could decide, I blacked out. . . .

Re: As Deadly As Nightshade

PostPosted:Wed Oct 14, 2015 8:32 am
by Jenny P
What happens next? Come on women don't leave me hanging :P

Re: As Deadly As Nightshade

PostPosted:Thu Oct 15, 2015 10:33 am
by Nightshade001
I dont know what happened.
When I awoke I was alone again. Have I killed them? Panic, fear and doubt set in. I had everything they had given me still. I wasn't covered in blood, thank the goddess. I searched around myself for a while searching for any indication as to what happened.
''Just move on already'' That voice again was driving me mad. Who the hell are you? Why can I hear you. And goddamn it what the hell is your name? I'm sick of calling you 'the voice'
That was it I have had enough of this shit I cant take it. Yes she keeps me company and I appreciate it. It means I'm not alone. but goddamn it I feel insane
'' I am essentially you. We are one in the same but at the same time we are two very different beings.''
Could you get any more cryptic? Goddamn it.
''If you need my name it is what you have been calling yourself, I am nightshade. Just like you. But if you would prefer it you could call me Morrigan. Now get a move on. I don't like staying out here in the open. I promise i will keep you alive.''
I guess she was right. . . Again.
I continued to run and found a road. Just follow the road
After running for a couple of minutes I run into the guy that was with 'Cub' last night Tyler I think his name was.
''Oh good your awake Nightshade. I got worried when you passed out so I ran to get help.''
That was when I noticed he was with someone
Your so fucking slow. Pay attention before you get us killed!''
''Hi I'm Jenny. Nice to meet you.''
Wow shes chirpy. How can someone be this happy and bouncy in this god forsaken place.
Shes fucking annoying. kill her later
I ignored Morrigan. Shes so fucking dark. Maybe I could stick with these two for awhile. After all I'm not used to running around so I'm slow. I don't know where I'm going and i know where nothing is. These guys know alot. Maybe they would be willing to help me.
After a quick check up jenny said I was good to go and that she wanted to test my blood.
''Is it important? To know what blood type you are I mean.''
Jenny just looked at me. '' You really don't know much do you?''
I guess she didn't want a reply because she just carried o talking
God shes so fucking annoying. Kill her and be done with it.
''. . . So basically O negative is universal and anyone can use it. And look at that. Your O neg''
I had been zoning out and only caught the end of what she had said.
''So I'm a unicorn?''
After the laughter died down from my previous comment jenny replied
''Yeh pretty much. Would you mind if I could take some blood from you, It could be the thing that saves a persons life. You would be helping not just me out but who ever receives it as well. Because without this someone could die.''
Don't, once shes taken blood you will be weak, They can kill us then. Kill them first!
shut up Morrigan your wrong. your just so violent!
''If its helps people then go ahead. I mean Tyler and Cub have done so much for me as it is. If I can some how help then please go ahead. By the way Tyler where is Cub?''
''Oh he wanders, don't worry about him.'' This put me and Morrigan on edge.
Jenny seamed to gleam at the fact she could take my blood. I guess she didn't have any left.
After a while i was getting very tired. How much blood is she taking?
Just as i feel like passing out she stops and looks at me.
''You need to eat and drink, keep your strength up''
I didn't reply I was too tired and just wanted to sleep.
Suddenly she started forcing food into my mouth. I panic and then relax again as I didn't have the energy to move.
Next she was forcing me to drink water and try to stay awake.
Wake up. Right now. Your so fucking stupid. I told you! I FUCKING TOLD YOU!
Hearing a quiet Morrigan screaming at me was a shock to the system that seamed to wake me up a bit more.
After a rest we headed to jenny's truck. ''If you want you can travel with me for a bit. get to know some places and people. Maybe even train to be a medic?''
Wow. I didnt know what to say.
''Just try and rest I will wake you when we get there''
Listening to jenny and not fighting it I slowly let sleep over take me...

Re: As Deadly As Nightshade

PostPosted:Thu Oct 15, 2015 6:31 pm
by Jenny P