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 #1935  by Eat The Rich
Today I did something horrible, I met someone living for the first time In two weeks. He was looting a house close to my campsite. The house was out in woods, alone, quiet. It looked like he had a gun on his back as I watched him from a tree not far from one of the windows. With no knowledge of me stalking him he just kept on looking for supplies. I was thinking about going In there to talk to the lonesome man but decided to wait for a while. He had a gun on his back, It looked like a simple hunting rifle. He also had a backpack made out of leather so he seemed to be a man of the land.

After watching him for ten minutes he seemed to start making a fire in the house and he started covering the windows with sheets and debris. I now had a harder time seeing what he did but when he lit the fire I could see a silhouette on the sheet he had put over the window I was watching him through.

Ten more minutes, he seemed to be staying here for a while. Now he was cooking food, In there, I could smell meat of some sort and I could see his silhouette drinking out of a bottle. Water was not a problem for me since my campsite was close to a stream with fresh water but food was a problem. I have no idea how to cut an animal up and even if I any knowledge about that It would not have helped me since the only animal I had seen in about a month was a rotting deer with a zombie chewing on it.

It has been two hours since he ate, he was out looking in the woods an hour ago, seemed like he was securing the perimeter before taking a nap.

One more hour has gone, Its dark now and he seems to be sleeping. I still don´t know why I have been stalking this man. I guess It´s the hunger making me do it.

Thirty minutes has gone by, I am really hungry and I heard him snoring in there. I am going in to see if I can steal some food without waking him.

I don´t know what happened exactly, I went in there and found his backpack, Inside there was a lot of cans. I took four of them and his only can opener. That was when I heard something moving, I turned around and there he was with a gun pointing towards me. I panicked and blacked out. Now he Is dead and the can opener is still stuck in his eye. How I managed to do this is something I don´t know. I felt like an animal acting all on instinct. Now I need to throw him out of here and hold down the area until dawn, I hope he was not waiting for anyone because he had a walkie talkie In the backpack. I need to act quickly. Maybe even try to get in contact with someone. But first I need to eat.

I took this journal of the man who killed Vasili. Decided to write the days down to try to keep sane. My brother got killed by the man who wrote everything before this page. The man Is no dead. I killed him in an ambush the night after all of this probably happened, he was still in the house me and my brother was gonna meet up in and I killed him with a shovel. I buried my brother and the man who I hate but understand because of these notes. I would had done the same thing in his place.