Advanced Role-Play Systems 

  • The Journal of Mike the Bounty Hunter

  • Tell your day-to-day stories here
Tell your day-to-day stories here
 #1671  by MikeB

This is what I basically like to look like, sometimes I'll wear a green beret. I like to maintain a consistent look so people know who I am. I'm affiliated with the Kamy Bounty Hunter group. I subscribe to the ideology that Communication Resolves All Problems (C.R.A.P.) and one should always Properly Interpret Social Situations (P.I.S.S.) but.. sometimes people need their reset button hit.

I like to maintain diplomacy with all groups. I'm not law enforcement, I'm not a bandit, I'm not a mercenary, I survive like the rest of us but like to make some extra money off hunting down some bounties when I can.

I'll be checking the local taverns, post offices, and police departments for new bounty listings as well as making my way around Chernarus to visit the quieter folk. If we run into each other, I'll probably trade or gift you something if I have too much. Here's to our future working relationship. Cheers

Bounties Claimed:
Last edited by MikeB on Fri Jan 23, 2015 1:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.
 #1672  by MikeB

I washed up on these shores not too long ago. It wasn't long before I discovered how strange this land truly was. There's theft, murder, torture, and the goodness of humanity everywhere. Every day is a struggle for survival for every person to land on these shores. Some folk I run into just want to be left alone to live out their days in the inner lands. Others, prefer the steely cold grip of death's handshake in every one of their waking moments.

I don't know how alone we are here. We're not completely cut off. On occasion the outside world attempts to make contact with us but without fail, they too meet their death when crossing into our borders. I don't remember what happened to this place...or to us...but it seems this is how we live now..because we cannot die.

It could be called magical, or cursed, this land called Chernarus. I woke up on the shore with nothing but some clothes and a flashlight. I found a town nearby, devoid of humans, as my stomach rumbled I decided to search through the empty houses for food and found sparse choices. It wasn't long before I had warm clothes and food.

What seemed like forever passed and I saw someone out in a field, just standing there. Is this person just as confused as me? Are the signs unreadable as well? Did they also wonder why the days were so short and the nights even shorter?

I called out to them, I waved. I shouted greetings as I approached.

something was wrong

As the distance between us grew shorter, my sense told me something was different about this person. The distance wasn't even ten feet and it hit me. Their skin, the look in their eyes, it was all wrong. My confusion turned to horror as they slowly turned towards me and let out a guttural yell. All the blood in my body must have disappeared as they charged at me.

what was going on?!

They raised their arms and bludgeoned my nose with clenched fists; the world turned grey as I turned and ran. I yelled for help but none came. I dodged and weeved through yards and houses, blood dripping off of me. They would not stop pursuing, I needed to defend myself.

A pipe wrench!

I found it in a shed I tried to hide in to no avail. I used it to greet this...this...zombie. It took a lot of hits before it went down. It wasn't like in the movies where their head was soft and would splatter. There was a sickening thud each time. I was still bleeding.

I used my shirt to patch myself up. Shit just got serious.

I encountered two more of these...zombies as night fell. Maybe it was this town, I needed to get out of here. I ran to the coast and down the beach towards some cranes in the distance.
 #1721  by MikeB
The next day

I sheltered in a shed near the road for the night. In the darkness I could hear the shambling of the undead as they wandered by. I tried to sleep but it never came. The darkest thoughts crossed through my mind as I panicked about the current situation. "Am I alone?" "Is there anyone else?" "is this hell?"

I contemplated suicide for a brief moment.

I thought I was in for a long night, I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep at all. Everything had a terrifying pallor to it. Even the shed I was in seemed evil, as if people had been murdered here.

Reset in Five Minutes

What the hell was that? The thought was strong and tasted red as bounced around my brain. Where did that come from? What did that mean? I must be losing my mind. I couldn't let go of it. I tried dismissing that thought as a random thought that might go through someone's mind when in a scary situation. Reset in Five Minutes, what does that even mean? I rolled the words around my mind for awhile... reset in five minutes...reset in five...reset...reset...I felt hypnoptized...I couldn't move...reset

I woke with a startle. I must've fallen asleep because it was day again. How much time had passed? I got my bearings...strange the Sun seems to be in the west again. Did I sleep the whole day? I didn't feel tired, just hungry and thirsty. Strange, I must have needed that rest.

I left the shed and headed down the coast, doing my best to avoid the 'zombies'. I entered a small town, more abandoned houses, more food. I like this tactical bacon I keep finding. I decided to look for a better weapon than this pipe wrench, maybe a fire arm. It wasn't long before I came upon a .22 and not long after I found ammunition for it. It's a little gun but it'll help.

I decided to conserve ammunition and only shoot the undead that chased after me. Who knows when I'd find more ammunition. Usually I could see them standing in the street or a field. Othertimes they'd see me first and I'd hear their cry of hunger as they pursued me. ghosts...they'd run through doors. Terrifying. Was there no end to this?

Walking through the town I thought I saw a zed moving different that the others. No must be a trick of my imagination. I'll just keep looking for...

Hey Buddy


"Whoa buddy relax, how ya doing?"

Holy shit are you real?

I reached out

"Whoa, easy there guy, put the rifle away"

Oh, right, there. What the fuck is going on here?

"Oh all this? Who knows, enjoy it though."

What...what do you mean enjoy it?

"You'll see, there's something for everyone here. "
 #1996  by MikeB
My new friend and I stuck together looting the local town. Interestingly enough you'd think having a fellow human nearby to interact with would put a person more at ease but it seemed to stress me out more, especially after he started schooling me on survival.

"Don't stand in the street, you'll get shot"

Shot?! Who's going to shoot me? The zombies don't seem to have guns

"No dude, other people. There's bandits, they kill on site and take all your gear."

Bandits? (I guess that made sense given the collapse of society)

"Yeah, some are cooler than others and just fuck with you a bit, others torture you, some torture then kill you. Lately though there's been a lot of people just killing on site"

geezus..torture? what kind of people are these? Are there any good people?

"You'd think so but no not really, you can't trust anyone"

(can't trust anyone?)

does that mean I shouldn't trust you?

"heh, you really shouldn't trust anyone. In this world trust is earned slowly over time. It isn't implied from the get go. If you implicitly trust people as soon as you meet them, then you're going to have a rough time here"


I retreated into my own thoughts for awhile while we scavenged. I suppose he's nice enough to let me know not to trust people so maybe I could trust him just a little more now. This's alien.

I found a rifle in a small log cabin, not too much later I found some ammunition for it. I felt safer now. I could reach out and touch those zombies before they could even see me. I breathed a deep sigh and relaxed a bit.

I met back up with my new friend. Elated I showed him my new rifle. He found a fireman's axe somewhere and we shared some food together. It was still dark out but I hadn't felt tired yet. He said he was thirsty so we headed out to find some water.

"There's a well over there, the water should be good"

sounds good to me

We headed towards the general direction he pointed in. I thought I saw some movement in a field nearby.

wait...I think there's something in that field...


a thrashing through the grass towards us and I realized it was a zombie. I have this rifle now, I can take care of this.

I've got this. I raised my rifle

"No wait!"


too late, the shot rang out. I realized what I did was terribly wrong before the zombie even hit the ground. The sound would attract more of them. I had limited rounds. You could hear the howls of zombies out in the darkness

shit, I didn't realize..

I turned back to my friend to see he had raised his axe. I had just enough time to complete the thought "don't trust anyone" as his axe split my skull.