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Pale Riders - Good Guys or Hypocrites?

PostPosted:Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:42 am
by Jccowardin
Yesterday was very eventful in the persistent saga between the Potatoes and the Pale Riders. During the day I observed Conzole performing loot mule duties, making runs back and forth from Vybor to their base. I took the opportunity to figure out the direction of their base, and it was obvious that it was far south and west. After figuring that out I killed him for the first time that day, an easy kill as he stepped out of his truck.

Later on I logged in to help Prestige, who was playing the hero and delivering food to a starving Lank and his friend Jenny just outside of VMC. As Prestige entered the barn in which Lank was starving, and clearly stated over direct comm that he was delivering food, Conzole entered the barn and shot him while his inventory was up. What's that you say, a Pale Rider executing a non-threat as they deliver food to someone in need? Sounds a bit like hypocrisy to me.

I then stalked and killed Conzole, William Stone, and Mr. Wright (assumed to be with the Riders) as I guarded Prestige's gear for his return. He returned right around the same time Conzole made it back, only for us to easily dispatch him back to fresh status a third time.

Later that night when everyone was on, we went exploring. We found the Riders' tents on the south coast all the way west towards the end of the map. We assaulted their base and killed Zombie Dust, CoachB, and Kama without taking a single casualty. Overall a very successful raid, and quite easy I may add. The Riders don't do very well in PVP. We considered what to do with the items in their tents, but honestly there is just too much loot in the world right now and we did not need any of it other than the nice PSO-1 we took off Zombie Dust.

The moral of the story is that the Riders are no more "good guys" than anyone else - they are simply survivors who make decisions based on the current situation and previous experiences. Despite the fact that Irish likes to post dorky things like "Welcome from the good guys on the server" I think the community knows the truth.

Finally, if we are "badies" (not a word, btw) Irish, what does that make you since you are clearly inferior in one of the major aspects of this game - PVP combat. Quick, shoot back something condescending. I can't wait. We'd be glad to arrange a meeting at a neutral site with even numbers as well, if you have the balls. I highly doubt that you do.

Re: Pale Riders - Good Guys or Hypocrites?

PostPosted:Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:46 am
by IvanS.
Let's not forget Danny. Rest in Potatoes Danny my sweet Prince.

Where are all the 5v1 scenarios at that we have apparently been doing so much lately? I can think of one 1v3 near green Mountain, a 2v5 north of zele, 2v3 near stary, and multiple 1v1, 2v1, 2v2.

Re: Pale Riders - Good Guys or Hypocrites?

PostPosted:Wed Feb 04, 2015 11:24 am
by Jccowardin
Poor Danny. Mistaken for Denny and KOS'ed. I bet this is one of the fictional Potato kills that Irish keeps talking about.

Re: Pale Riders - Good Guys or Hypocrites?

PostPosted:Wed Feb 04, 2015 11:57 am
by CoachB
Meh, I had a mosin and the other guy had an sks or I shotty vs 5 guys with aks I didn't expected much success.

The real question is who is the snitch tho. You say you followed conzole from vybor to the base wich I find hard to believe. And in that FB post one of you clearly state that you were heading there while a bunch of us were online.

As for conzole killing prestige well of course as you basically said yourself, the pale riders are the 'only' group you KOS, and it's the same for us with the potatoes but it's actually true.

Anyways GG and until next time!

Re: Pale Riders - Good Guys or Hypocrites?

PostPosted:Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:16 pm
by IvanS.
CoachB wrote:Meh, I had a mosin and the other guy had an sks or I shotty vs 5 guys with aks I didn't expected much success.

The real question is who is the snitch tho. You say you followed conzole from vybor to the base wich I find hard to believe. And in that FB post one of you clearly state that you were heading there while a bunch of us were online.

As for conzole killing prestige well of course as you basically said yourself, the pale riders are the 'only' group you KOS, and it's the same for us with the potatoes but it's actually true.

Anyways GG and until next time!
There was 4 of us, well 3 1/2 mid assault wife aggro. We assumed you guys had set up somewhere below tent city from carter noticing one of you making trips from that area. Denny(not Danny) scouted down through the woods to the coast as we looted zele for food. He found you guys and we headed out. At the time I seen at least 5 of you on in game so we rushed over there. About halfway there the server restarted and only 3 of you remained on.

Re: Pale Riders - Good Guys or Hypocrites?

PostPosted:Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:26 pm
by CoachB
I see.
yeah most of us were on a trip from Polana back to base, we got attack there and I actually though it was some of you guys, guess it wasn't.

This base felt so safe for a week I guess we grew careless just standing around it chilling lol.

Good thing most of the stuff was logged out an hour prior except for that PSO :cry:

still think there's a snitch tho haha!

Re: Pale Riders - Good Guys or Hypocrites?

PostPosted:Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:58 pm
by Jccowardin
Still interested in 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 at the location of your choice, and you can prepare and run with AKs. Come to think of it, why are you making excuses about your weapons if you had all that loot you could have been using?

Step up...

Re: Pale Riders - Good Guys or Hypocrites?

PostPosted:Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:06 pm
by CoachB
Hey man sorry you're ego needs to be constantly flattered to feel good in life. I'm just stating facts.

sore losers are bad, sore winners are worst. Learn to take a win like a man.

Re: Pale Riders - Good Guys or Hypocrites?

PostPosted:Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:12 pm
by Jccowardin
Sorry bro, but according to your boy Irish you've been "wiping the floor" with us. I'm just setting the record straight. The truth wouldn't have to be rubbed in your face so frequently if he could back up any of his claims.

Re: Pale Riders - Good Guys or Hypocrites?

PostPosted:Wed Feb 04, 2015 1:17 pm
by IvanS.
CoachB wrote:I see.
yeah most of us were on a trip from Polana back to base, we got attack there and I actually though it was some of you guys, guess it wasn't.

This base felt so safe for a week I guess we grew careless just standing around it chilling lol.

Good thing most of the stuff was logged out an hour prior except for that PSO :cry:

still think there's a snitch tho haha!
Holy grail of loot theses dayz, aside from helicopter loot.